July 4th Gala
July 4th is a special time of celebration for our country. Picnics, parades and boat rides occur as children's fingers become soaked with the juices of a ripe watermelon. Spend a few minutes watching the family gather on a blanket as the anticipate the fireworks and you'll be watching a view of everything that is so right with this country. This is a special time indeed, for such a special country.

One thing that we can never forget though when watching these scenes of pure innocence, while hearing the booms and bangs of the fireworks sparkling through the dark skies is that before all this could have taken place; before the picnic could be here; some young man or woman died for this dream to be ours. Men and women each day put their lives on the line to protect our life. Most of them complete strangers to us...protecting complete strangers. Their call of duty is truly an annointed calling and we are blessed that so many face the challenge.
The ladies of Cotillion wanted to take a little time to say thank you. These links will take you to tributes to some of our favorite Milbloggers. Some are funny. Some serious; but all are heartfelt.
First attend a special reception for our "Debutantes in Boots"; either sneak a peak through the window here or go see the whole thing at Steal the Bandwagon.
Armies of Liberation highlights some "fine milbloggers":
Beth from
MVRWC gives much deserved love to:
Freedom rides with the commuter on his way to work. It strides with the farmer on his way to the field, Where the soil of earth is furrowed in joy And the winds sing the songs of wide ranges and blissful days. It marches in cadence with those men and women who do the work of the world in dangerous places… Whose boots show the stain of bitter waters And whose clothes are muddied by foreign soils. Men and women in uniform…the defenders of freedom! - Reverend Russell J. Clearman
Darleen swoons over: