January 13, 2006

An Appeal to the Republican Leadership

Are you for openness, transparency and accountability in Congressional operations and in the appropriations process?

Do you vote Republican and want to see some changes in the way business is done in Congress?

If so, you'll want to read this at The Truth Laid Bear, and add your name (and blog) to this public appeal to the GOP leadership.


We hope the Hastert-Dreier effort leads to sweeping reforms including the end of subsidized travel and other obvious influence operations. Just as importantly, we call for major changes to increase openness, transparency and accountability in Congressional operations and in the appropriations process.

As for the Republican leadership elections, we hope to see more candidates who will support these goals, and we therefore welcome the entry of Congressman John Shadegg to the race for Majority Leader. We hope every Congressman who is committed to ethical and transparent conduct supports a reform agenda and a reform candidate. And we hope all would-be members of the leadership make themselves available to new media to answer questions now and on a regular basis in the future.

This isn't going to commit you for life to Shadegg, of course; we welcome his entry into the race because of his stated goals of "reform and renewal."

Go on over to N.Z. Bear's and check it out, get on board.

[C/P from MVRWC]

Posted by Beth at January 13, 2006 04:01 PM